sábado, 6 de octubre de 2018

Week six: Vovabulary

Topic: Pofessions

It is already the sixth week and the Students are learning so fast, now we need to work more in the activities in order to catch the attetion of them. This week was time to teach vocabulary about professions and it was the turn of teachers Angie, Claudia, Brenda and Nahielly. Since the beginning I knew that These girl will do a fantastic job and I was correct, they did a nice job with the Ss. 

At the beginnig of the warm up there were just two Students inside of the classroom, but they started the class just with them, some minutes after that others Ss arrived and they continue with the activity that was actually very fun for the Ss it was a ¨finding the couple¨ game and something I saw that it was difficult for the Ss was that the Teacher ask ¨Is it the same one? ¨ and they did not understand at first, but she gave an example they catched. 

After that one the teachers did something that catch my attetion and it was that she move the Ss to have all of them together, and I like it because in that way she controled the class in a better way,also it was nice to saw that she was helping everybody and that Ss were having fun by doing the activities.

Then, they did one activity to help the memorization of the new vocabulary, it was a missing game in which the teacher took one of the pictures of the proffesions and Ss said which one was not there.
everybody participated and they were sitting on the floor, in my opinion I think is good to be out of the desks for some minutes in that way Ss do not get tired of the class. At the end of the class Ss did a short presentation about professions and at the end of the class the objective was achieved and as I said at the beginning this was an awesome class.

To sum up, I really enjoy to be in this class, the girls were really careful with everything, the material was nice, the activities were excellent and their acttitude was very good, and of course in my classes I want to take some ideas from them, like the use of masking tape of to play with the Ss on the floor in one activity, those things that I really enjoy, I hold my words,you did a pretty nice job, just few details, do not forget that we can use spanish or give examples when they do not get one question or command, also that we cannot ask if they understand, but those are little details that maybe we do not notice, to finish this let me give my congratulations girls I really love your class continue like that.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Karen, thank you so much for your comments! This class was a little bit challenging because we needed to make sure that students learned the vocabulary so that the other classes were easier for them. With that purpose in mind, we chose activities that allowed student's participation. As you mentioned, there are always things that we can do better, and feedback like yours helps us to grow professionally.

  2. hello Karen i like to see your post comment i like your opinion also i like that you enjoy the class and i am sure the students enjoy the class too. in other way yes you have reason we cannot say do you understand?
    i will impruve that. thank you karen.

  3. Karen this gerls make funny activitys as you said , had good acttitude and be careful with their instrucions , using exellents materials, and base on what I read could notice that the gays enjoy the class giving by the gerls.

  4. "she moved the Ss to have all of them together, and I like it because in that way she controled the class in a better way", I agree, cuz on the other hand, it would be more complex to control children.


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...