viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

Week three: Reading

Topic: Family Members.

No one act as the way you think they are going to do it. The sixth class was a reading and the topic was develop by teachers Paola, Carlos and Manuel, I know these guys since the first years of university and I knew they would do a goob job, but belive it or not the surpass my expectation. First the decoration of the classroom was colorful,the materials they used was attractive and I like the way ss were paying attention to three of them.

Paola: She was really sweet and friendly with the children and that made the ss fell secure and they were not afraid to participate, another thing I like about her participation is that she was very secure with the time I saw her loking at her watch and even though she was calm and taking her time she did not took more time than the expected and I love that, finally I want to stand out the way she made ss interact each others, I am impressed with her ability and passion while teaching.

Carlos: He was as good as his classmates. At the beginning he was a little nervous, but he calmed and he did an excellent job, I like that everyone was on the floor even him, something that really impressed me was that during the activity of putting one sentence in order he did not give instruction to the ss, but he modeling and ss started to do it that was outstanding for me.
Finally, I would like to recognize that his dedication was amazing and I really like the way he interacted with the ss.

Manuel: We all know that this guy is the most confident man in the world, I really felt his energy during the class and somthing nice about him was that he was explaining ss by ss  when they did not understand the instructio, also he was helping all the ss  and saw how children felt his support, as I said before I think his confidence  help him to do an amazing job in front of everyone.

To sum up, I just want to say that these future Teachers gave an outstanding class, keep working like that because you already have the passion and the ability taht teachers need to have and I expect to see more classes like this and to teach one like the way they did it; In my future classes of course that I want to be like them, with that confidence and dedication.

10 comentarios:

  1. i like you comment to the teachers can improve, i like the way how you say them their good things, i agree with you they have the ability to be a good teacher in the future, also i want to add that they have to be more organize with the time because i think that they could make the wrap up but they lost a lot of time in the others activities. Good job guys

    1. Hello lidvi, that true maybe they need to improve the organization of time, but in general they did a good job.
      thank you for your comment.

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  4. I really enjoy that class, I agree with you they are going to be a good teachers on the future, becouse base on whay you said and that I odserved they did not a mistake that could affect the class odjective, your positive and constructive comments that I read in your blog are awesome Karen continue like that.

    1. Hello Erick, I´m happy to read that, thankyou for your comment and your positive vibes.

  5. Hello karen i agree with you Paola was sweet and confident also she took her time. in the part of teacher carlos i think that he was really nervous he needs to impruve his tone of voice and i saw him afraid. and teacher manuel was good but i think that he needs to speack clearly. but it was a good class and the material was good to.

    1. Hello Marcela, first thank you for your comment and yes you are right, they need to improve those things and I pretty sure next time they will do it.

  6. Hello Karen, I agree with when you mentioned that the teachers on this class were very dedicated since the materials they used were really creative and appropriate for the students' age. I also noticed that some of them were a bit nervous, but this was not an obstacle because they calmed down and were able to develop the lesson effectively. Great job!

    1. Hello Brenda, that is true, I know they made some mistakes,but at the end that was not an obstacle to achieved the objective of the class and that is something nice.


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...