viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food

This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic food and it was a PDP lesson in this time was a listening; First, we started the class with an amazing warm up which was "what is in the box" I like this activity because students were having fun and they review the vocabulary as well, this warm up consisted in putting food inside of a box and the students try to guess what was the name of the food. 

After that my Classmate Moises did the two presentations, in the first one he presented the new vocabulary which was kind of easy, then there was a question in the audio so he explained the question and the positive and negative answer, later on he gave them a worksheet to see if they understood.

Then it was Mauricio's time he did the three during activities and they were really nice, in the first one they need to do different movements related to the positive and negative answer, then they did a "putting in order" worksheet and the last one was about to paste on the board the missing words from the song.

Last part was my responsibility so as a post listening we decided to ask them to write two sentences one positive and one negative about the food they like and do not like and then they draw the food, something really nice about this was that they did an amazing job at the end and the had learned a lot. to finished with the class we did as a wrap up one activity using an Hula Hula and it was very fun for everybody.

to sum up I just want to say that we had improved a lot and I think this time all of us were relax and we enjoy to teach we apply what we like about other classes and we also tried to do our best, in my opinion we did an excellent job and I hope to continue like this in the future.

3 comentarios:

  1. well Karen I wanna give you my congratulations cause your class was a litle different but excellent as you mentioned thus I saw something unusual and It was progress and evolutions of your teaching skills.

  2. Something that I realized was that you noticed that you didn't have too much time, and you left the Post as a homework to pass the wrap up, becuase that is more important. Awesome. :)

  3. I loved the activities they presented, mainly the game of guessing what was inside the box, very nice decoration and creativity, very cheerful and fun. Very good explanations and examples. Congratulations good job.


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...