sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

Week eight: Vocabulary

Topic: Food

It was time to teach vocabulary and my classmates did a nice a job. This week Gabriela, Lidvi and Damaris taught a new topic which was Food; First, they started the class with a review of the previous topic that was animals, they did a guess the draw game and it was a great activity.

During the presentation stage they used a powerpoint presentation that was very useful. something really wonderful about this was that  some of the students had a bit of knowledge about the topic and it was easier for the teachers to teach the topic; in the other hand, something maybe they would do different is that at the moment of presenting they had forgot to gave to the students enough time to copy the words, also they did ask if they had finish before they changed the slice.

The second part of the class was the practice which was divide in to different activities. to started with this stage, they did a match in this part the instructions were understanble and the activity was monitoring as well. The second activity was a letter soup,in my opinion I think this kind of activities are very interesting and in this case the students were so fast finding the words and I considered they had enjoy it, something I like was that the activity was monitoring and they say nice phrases to the students.

The last part of the class was the production. In this case the activity was about to draw three of the favorite food of each student and at the end the objective was achieved because most of them produce.

In my future classes I will apply some of the activities they used and I will consider to use a powerpoint presentation, in the other way I will be careful about the time students need to copy ot do the activities.

6 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you! Students did not have enough time to copy the thing was that we as teachers had in main that later we will give them the spelling to paste them in the notebooks, so we did not take into account that point. And yes, they loved to see the class in a power point presentation I did not know why but we could catch their attention with that. Thank you so much.

  2. Hello Karen i agree with you and also i have to say that the attitude of the teacher was good and the activities too

  3. your observations are very detailed when said that the gays enjoid the activitys despite at the begining they did not have enought time to copy the words ,but at the end like yous said the objetive was achive so we can say that this girls did a fantastic job.

  4. Hello, Karen! Thank you so much for your comments, actually I agree with you! There were some mistakes during the class but remember that those mistakes are helping us to be better every class. The activities were so good for students because they enjoyed the class and they were able to produce something at the end of the lesson and that was the objective which was achieved. Thank you again, I really appreciate your observations! Take care and Regards!

  5. I liked this class, this one was so different than the last the last one; the activities were very related with the topic.

  6. I agree with you Karen, the instructions were short and understandable, the teachers monitored all the students, reviewing the progress of their work and giving them words of encouragement


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...