sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018

Week Four: Grammar

Topic: Zoo Animals.

It was the second time teaching a class, my nervouness was low this time and I think we did a good job, even with all the setbacks we had, in the class we gave our best and at the end the objective was achieve.

This time the warm up and the presentation was under my responsability. During the warm up

I was kind of worry because just six Ss had arrive and my activity was planned to be work with at least ten o twelve Ss, but I was afraid to change the activity in the last moment so I continue with the same activity, at the end work, but it was not like I expected.
After that I presented the Grammar of " it is and they are" in this part i had different feelings because Ss caught the structure very fast and they understood everything,so I took less time than the expected, at the beginning I thought that wouldn't affect the time of the entire class, but time was affect and I improvise some activities at the end. 

Then Moises gave some worksheeps to the Ss, something I like about his part was that
he was very clear with the instructions, also he wrote some examples on the board and he made sure that Ss understood what they need to do and finally, before started with the worksheeps, they did one of the exercises together. Something really awesome was that Ss did the exercises without asking again for an explanation, and we felt proud after that. 

Finally, Mauricio did the production part and the wrap up. First, the production
was a crazy idea of create safari, he pasted a big poster which had a lot of animals and a beautiful landscape and them in groups Ss described which animals they saw using the grammar corresponding to the class.

For the wrap up he asked the Ss to made a line and say at least five animals, so that they were free to go to their house. 

To sum up, I enjoy teaching and I really sure I will love my carreer, but I also need to say that in my future classes they are some things that I want to do better, first I want to be able to change something in the last moment if I think it wouldn't work at all, also to management of time, this time we have more free time than last class, but that isn't good at all, I think next time things will go better and we will continue giving our best.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Karen! I am really surprised with the presentation that you had as a group since they did a good job with the time management and the decoration of the room, in my opinion all the members of the group were very safe to speak and they used an easy language to understand. As in all groups, there are always aspects to improve and I hope to continue seeing the progress in the work of your future class.

    1. Hello Nahielly, thank you for your words, I really glad to read that you enjoy our class, and I hope the next one will be better.

  2. Hi Karen, I really like your blog
    I pretty glad because you did a pretty good job
    I know that all of people made mistakes but despite that as a group you did a perfect job.
    I hope you continue as you did. I always enjoy your performance. Regards


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...