sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

Week Five: Reading

Topic: Zoo Animals

It was Teachers Felix and Emilio´s time to teach. It was something really impresive that two boys were a teaching a class and something more awesome is that they did a pretty good job.

The Warm up was about a competition they made two lines and then the teacher showed a picture with one animal (From last class) and the first Ss who said the name got the point, I think it was a nice activity because the teacher was recognizing what Ss remember and the Ss were having fun.

The pre stage was very good they presented seven animals that later their appear in the reading, something pretty nice about this part it was that kids 
were repearing and they got them very fast, after showing them the new vocabulary, they did a matching activity in order to identify the animals and the name of the animals, But I have just one observation, during this part one word was mispronounced and something normal, just be sure that you are pronounced the words as they must be. Although, that little detail the rest was excellent because the confidence and good attitud of this guy was the perfect match to complete the class.

In the other part of the class Ss were really tired of being reading and sitting for a long time, so next teacher did something like a warm up and Ss have a short time of fun just moving their bodies and it was really nice because Ss´s attitude change and they were awake after that.

Then Ss complete an exercise about numerazing the order of the animals according to the part of the reading they appeared, at the beggining I thought that this was too difficult for the kids,but them I saw everybody working on that even the little ones, somethig I did not like about this part was that some Ss were faster than others  and the teacher was more focus on those Ss that were working fast.

In General, I like this class and I love the attitude of those future teachers, I know they will do a better job next time, there are some details to improve, but since the first class they showed a natural talent to teach. I learned some things from these guys and in my future classes what I want to imitate is to show that confidence while giving the class and something I want to do different is to arrange the classroom different in order to have more control of the space and the Ss.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Karen i agree with you the activities were good and the attitude of the teacher it was the complement of the class because they were in the same level as the teacher said algo the materias of the class was good and colorful

  2. I was not present observing that class , but when read your blog
    I notice that they have just two little mistakes and that is owesome , becouse they were be able to arrange the classroom in a diferent way to make more space, and they did not lose their energy even though them had to do more stages of the lesson to each one ,and that's worth admiring.

  3. as you I learn something of those boys because in spite of only were they two they were a very good job. Teacher Felix was good, he has the hability to work easy with kids, and teacher Emilio was good too just have to improve to control his nervous.


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...