sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

Week two: Vocabulary

Third class: Family members

Teach new vocabulary to children can be difficult, but these guys did a pretty good job. and the beginning they take the time to decorate the classroom and in my opinion it was a wonderful idea to use cartoons that kids already know, because in that case they pay more attetion;in the other hand i think everybody in the classroom need to improve time management  because iIsaw the same problem in all of us, but those are things that we can improve during the process. 

The first part of the class was in charge of Teacher Felix, I really love his attitude, he was smiling all the time and  all the kids feel his good vibes; Even though, he was a little bit nervous he did an excellent job, I really liked the confidence that children expressed during his part, they were really enjoy the class.

The second part of the class was in control of Teacher Emilio,  he did a good job, I was really surprised with his ability to remember all the names of the Ss but, he has some things to improve, I know working with kids can be hard, but remember that they cannot understand things at the first time and for the instructions some the Ss were in the moon, what I would do in this case is give them an example of how the activity is going to be.

Finally, it was Teacher Abigail turn, she was another surprise, I love the way she catch the attetion of the children, her patience was impresived and she was controlling the activity that is something good, in the other hand the only thing to improve is that she use one question that could be showed in the presentation stage. 

In conclusion, the class was very good and the main point of all of this is to share our knowledge with the Ss and this group made a wonderful job, they were really careful with the Ss and they brought colorful material that was very helpful during the class. 

In my future class I want to imitate the vibes I saw in Felix's part and the calmness of Emilio and the management of the group that Abigail has; In the other hand, I want to work more in time manage, because I saw the problem in my and their group. 

2 comentarios:

  1. I really like your point of view and the way that you developed your ideas. Pretty meaningful girl. Have nice weekend.


Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...