sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

Week one:Teaching the First class.

Teaching a class is not easy, especially when you think you do not have experience for that and it can be hard if your mind is playing with you and you get nervous. The first topic was a combination of the alphabet and classroom commands, our first challenge was to teach this two topics in one class, but we did it;  Even though, it was the first time being a teacher it was not that bad.

At the beginning, my group and I were nervous, but 
we control ourselves then we started to paste the

decoration and we prepared all the material we brought for our class. Kids started to arrive into the classroom and I was excited, we had sixteen students and my classmate Mauricio was the one in charge of the first part of our class, something that I liked about how he taught his part is that all the students were paying attention to him and also he was clarifying everything during the class, in the case one student did not understand  a command he dramatized it or he gave examples, but in the other way around something that I would like to change is that he took too much time with the presentation of the topic and that affects all the lesson, but as I said it was the first time and is really normal to have some problems.

The part of the practice was my responsibility, I started to talk with the class, telling them that we will practice what they just studied some seconds ago, but something I really forgot it was to introduce myself and that was a big mistake of mine, also

I think I need to improve how to organize them when working in groups, but the rest of my work I think it was better than I expected; although, I had some mistakes I was trying to give my best, and my personality help me with that, something that I would repeat in my future classes is to bring positive vibes to the children, on the other hand I need to work more in time management and organization when working in little spaces.

The last part of the lesson was in charge of my other classmate Moises, I really love the change he had at the moment of being in front,he was really kind and helpful with the children and it was something I did not about him, something I admired about him is that he did a lot in the production with the time he had, he just had a couple of minutes,but those minutes were well handled.

To sum up, this class was not perfect, but we learned a lot, now that we know how is working with kids we can improve and the next time we are going to do It better, what i am going to do next time is work hard with the time, also not to stop talking even if I am doing another things, do not lose eye contact and to pay careful attention to every group.

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Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...