viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

How to arrange the classroom.

Week two: August 7 and 9

Topic: How to arrange the classroom.

The organization inside a classroom is very important specially when we work with kids. Organize materials and equipment in a classroom help children to know where things are and where they must put them at the end of each class.

Organization of the desk  

Horizontal lines are the most common way in almost all the schools around the world. This organization is useful when students need to work individually, it is also useful at the time they have an exam; Although, students are kind of near, they do not have the chance to cheat and the teacher has enough space to move between the lines to control the students. 

Semicircle is another good way to organize the desks in the classroom. 
This form help the teacher to have more visual  contact with the students, also it has  more space to move around them and control what they are doing during the class.

Pair Work

 Team work

Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...