viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food

This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic food and it was a PDP lesson in this time was a listening; First, we started the class with an amazing warm up which was "what is in the box" I like this activity because students were having fun and they review the vocabulary as well, this warm up consisted in putting food inside of a box and the students try to guess what was the name of the food. 

After that my Classmate Moises did the two presentations, in the first one he presented the new vocabulary which was kind of easy, then there was a question in the audio so he explained the question and the positive and negative answer, later on he gave them a worksheet to see if they understood.

Then it was Mauricio's time he did the three during activities and they were really nice, in the first one they need to do different movements related to the positive and negative answer, then they did a "putting in order" worksheet and the last one was about to paste on the board the missing words from the song.

Last part was my responsibility so as a post listening we decided to ask them to write two sentences one positive and one negative about the food they like and do not like and then they draw the food, something really nice about this was that they did an amazing job at the end and the had learned a lot. to finished with the class we did as a wrap up one activity using an Hula Hula and it was very fun for everybody.

to sum up I just want to say that we had improved a lot and I think this time all of us were relax and we enjoy to teach we apply what we like about other classes and we also tried to do our best, in my opinion we did an excellent job and I hope to continue like this in the future.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

Week eight: Vocabulary

Topic: Food

It was time to teach vocabulary and my classmates did a nice a job. This week Gabriela, Lidvi and Damaris taught a new topic which was Food; First, they started the class with a review of the previous topic that was animals, they did a guess the draw game and it was a great activity.

During the presentation stage they used a powerpoint presentation that was very useful. something really wonderful about this was that  some of the students had a bit of knowledge about the topic and it was easier for the teachers to teach the topic; in the other hand, something maybe they would do different is that at the moment of presenting they had forgot to gave to the students enough time to copy the words, also they did ask if they had finish before they changed the slice.

The second part of the class was the practice which was divide in to different activities. to started with this stage, they did a match in this part the instructions were understanble and the activity was monitoring as well. The second activity was a letter soup,in my opinion I think this kind of activities are very interesting and in this case the students were so fast finding the words and I considered they had enjoy it, something I like was that the activity was monitoring and they say nice phrases to the students.

The last part of the class was the production. In this case the activity was about to draw three of the favorite food of each student and at the end the objective was achieved because most of them produce.

In my future classes I will apply some of the activities they used and I will consider to use a powerpoint presentation, in the other way I will be careful about the time students need to copy ot do the activities.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Week seven: Listening

Topic: Professions

We are now in the seventh week and this week was a lit bit challenlling, first the students now have more capacity to follow the class and that is good, but it also mean that we need to do more activities or to increase a lit bit the difficulty. The other reason of why I am saying that this week was more challenlling is that the group of Carlos, Paola and Manuel just had one student, so the teacher Ask us to be part of the class. 

 What I like about this class was that first even they were teaching us, they continue the class like if they were teaching children, also I love the management of the material they had. Another thing I consider it was really nice was that they had a good balance between the kid and us, they were teaching ud in a neutral way so that the kid was not affraid of being there with us doing the activities. 

We all know that as a teacher we need to do our best and we need to give our betst too, I think this gruop take things really relax but at the same time they were organized. In the other way things I suggest that they can do better maybe they can be more careful with the materials on the board because in one part they need space, but they did not have it because of the picture that were there, also they need to be very clear with the instructions, remember that kids can follow short and direct instructions, do not talk that much at the  moment of an instruction.

They are good and not that good aspects in all the classes, but we can learnd from all of the classes and all fo our classmates, in my future classes things that I consider will be very hepful are the use of masking tape,but to have it ready for the students, also that short activities are good for the students and we can use more of them.

In general I realice that this one of the most challenlling classes because they needed to balance, and they did it, they are such a nice gruop I hope to see them working better and better.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2018

Week six: Vovabulary

Topic: Pofessions

It is already the sixth week and the Students are learning so fast, now we need to work more in the activities in order to catch the attetion of them. This week was time to teach vocabulary about professions and it was the turn of teachers Angie, Claudia, Brenda and Nahielly. Since the beginning I knew that These girl will do a fantastic job and I was correct, they did a nice job with the Ss. 

At the beginnig of the warm up there were just two Students inside of the classroom, but they started the class just with them, some minutes after that others Ss arrived and they continue with the activity that was actually very fun for the Ss it was a ¨finding the couple¨ game and something I saw that it was difficult for the Ss was that the Teacher ask ¨Is it the same one? ¨ and they did not understand at first, but she gave an example they catched. 

After that one the teachers did something that catch my attetion and it was that she move the Ss to have all of them together, and I like it because in that way she controled the class in a better way,also it was nice to saw that she was helping everybody and that Ss were having fun by doing the activities.

Then, they did one activity to help the memorization of the new vocabulary, it was a missing game in which the teacher took one of the pictures of the proffesions and Ss said which one was not there.
everybody participated and they were sitting on the floor, in my opinion I think is good to be out of the desks for some minutes in that way Ss do not get tired of the class. At the end of the class Ss did a short presentation about professions and at the end of the class the objective was achieved and as I said at the beginning this was an awesome class.

To sum up, I really enjoy to be in this class, the girls were really careful with everything, the material was nice, the activities were excellent and their acttitude was very good, and of course in my classes I want to take some ideas from them, like the use of masking tape of to play with the Ss on the floor in one activity, those things that I really enjoy, I hold my words,you did a pretty nice job, just few details, do not forget that we can use spanish or give examples when they do not get one question or command, also that we cannot ask if they understand, but those are little details that maybe we do not notice, to finish this let me give my congratulations girls I really love your class continue like that.

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

Week Five: Reading

Topic: Zoo Animals

It was Teachers Felix and Emilio´s time to teach. It was something really impresive that two boys were a teaching a class and something more awesome is that they did a pretty good job.

The Warm up was about a competition they made two lines and then the teacher showed a picture with one animal (From last class) and the first Ss who said the name got the point, I think it was a nice activity because the teacher was recognizing what Ss remember and the Ss were having fun.

The pre stage was very good they presented seven animals that later their appear in the reading, something pretty nice about this part it was that kids 
were repearing and they got them very fast, after showing them the new vocabulary, they did a matching activity in order to identify the animals and the name of the animals, But I have just one observation, during this part one word was mispronounced and something normal, just be sure that you are pronounced the words as they must be. Although, that little detail the rest was excellent because the confidence and good attitud of this guy was the perfect match to complete the class.

In the other part of the class Ss were really tired of being reading and sitting for a long time, so next teacher did something like a warm up and Ss have a short time of fun just moving their bodies and it was really nice because Ss´s attitude change and they were awake after that.

Then Ss complete an exercise about numerazing the order of the animals according to the part of the reading they appeared, at the beggining I thought that this was too difficult for the kids,but them I saw everybody working on that even the little ones, somethig I did not like about this part was that some Ss were faster than others  and the teacher was more focus on those Ss that were working fast.

In General, I like this class and I love the attitude of those future teachers, I know they will do a better job next time, there are some details to improve, but since the first class they showed a natural talent to teach. I learned some things from these guys and in my future classes what I want to imitate is to show that confidence while giving the class and something I want to do different is to arrange the classroom different in order to have more control of the space and the Ss.

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018

Week Four: Grammar

Topic: Zoo Animals.

It was the second time teaching a class, my nervouness was low this time and I think we did a good job, even with all the setbacks we had, in the class we gave our best and at the end the objective was achieve.

This time the warm up and the presentation was under my responsability. During the warm up

I was kind of worry because just six Ss had arrive and my activity was planned to be work with at least ten o twelve Ss, but I was afraid to change the activity in the last moment so I continue with the same activity, at the end work, but it was not like I expected.
After that I presented the Grammar of " it is and they are" in this part i had different feelings because Ss caught the structure very fast and they understood everything,so I took less time than the expected, at the beginning I thought that wouldn't affect the time of the entire class, but time was affect and I improvise some activities at the end. 

Then Moises gave some worksheeps to the Ss, something I like about his part was that
he was very clear with the instructions, also he wrote some examples on the board and he made sure that Ss understood what they need to do and finally, before started with the worksheeps, they did one of the exercises together. Something really awesome was that Ss did the exercises without asking again for an explanation, and we felt proud after that. 

Finally, Mauricio did the production part and the wrap up. First, the production
was a crazy idea of create safari, he pasted a big poster which had a lot of animals and a beautiful landscape and them in groups Ss described which animals they saw using the grammar corresponding to the class.

For the wrap up he asked the Ss to made a line and say at least five animals, so that they were free to go to their house. 

To sum up, I enjoy teaching and I really sure I will love my carreer, but I also need to say that in my future classes they are some things that I want to do better, first I want to be able to change something in the last moment if I think it wouldn't work at all, also to management of time, this time we have more free time than last class, but that isn't good at all, I think next time things will go better and we will continue giving our best.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

Week three: Reading

Topic: Family Members.

No one act as the way you think they are going to do it. The sixth class was a reading and the topic was develop by teachers Paola, Carlos and Manuel, I know these guys since the first years of university and I knew they would do a goob job, but belive it or not the surpass my expectation. First the decoration of the classroom was colorful,the materials they used was attractive and I like the way ss were paying attention to three of them.

Paola: She was really sweet and friendly with the children and that made the ss fell secure and they were not afraid to participate, another thing I like about her participation is that she was very secure with the time I saw her loking at her watch and even though she was calm and taking her time she did not took more time than the expected and I love that, finally I want to stand out the way she made ss interact each others, I am impressed with her ability and passion while teaching.

Carlos: He was as good as his classmates. At the beginning he was a little nervous, but he calmed and he did an excellent job, I like that everyone was on the floor even him, something that really impressed me was that during the activity of putting one sentence in order he did not give instruction to the ss, but he modeling and ss started to do it that was outstanding for me.
Finally, I would like to recognize that his dedication was amazing and I really like the way he interacted with the ss.

Manuel: We all know that this guy is the most confident man in the world, I really felt his energy during the class and somthing nice about him was that he was explaining ss by ss  when they did not understand the instructio, also he was helping all the ss  and saw how children felt his support, as I said before I think his confidence  help him to do an amazing job in front of everyone.

To sum up, I just want to say that these future Teachers gave an outstanding class, keep working like that because you already have the passion and the ability taht teachers need to have and I expect to see more classes like this and to teach one like the way they did it; In my future classes of course that I want to be like them, with that confidence and dedication.

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

Week two: Vocabulary

Third class: Family members

Teach new vocabulary to children can be difficult, but these guys did a pretty good job. and the beginning they take the time to decorate the classroom and in my opinion it was a wonderful idea to use cartoons that kids already know, because in that case they pay more attetion;in the other hand i think everybody in the classroom need to improve time management  because iIsaw the same problem in all of us, but those are things that we can improve during the process. 

The first part of the class was in charge of Teacher Felix, I really love his attitude, he was smiling all the time and  all the kids feel his good vibes; Even though, he was a little bit nervous he did an excellent job, I really liked the confidence that children expressed during his part, they were really enjoy the class.

The second part of the class was in control of Teacher Emilio,  he did a good job, I was really surprised with his ability to remember all the names of the Ss but, he has some things to improve, I know working with kids can be hard, but remember that they cannot understand things at the first time and for the instructions some the Ss were in the moon, what I would do in this case is give them an example of how the activity is going to be.

Finally, it was Teacher Abigail turn, she was another surprise, I love the way she catch the attetion of the children, her patience was impresived and she was controlling the activity that is something good, in the other hand the only thing to improve is that she use one question that could be showed in the presentation stage. 

In conclusion, the class was very good and the main point of all of this is to share our knowledge with the Ss and this group made a wonderful job, they were really careful with the Ss and they brought colorful material that was very helpful during the class. 

In my future class I want to imitate the vibes I saw in Felix's part and the calmness of Emilio and the management of the group that Abigail has; In the other hand, I want to work more in time manage, because I saw the problem in my and their group. 

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

Week one:Teaching the First class.

Teaching a class is not easy, especially when you think you do not have experience for that and it can be hard if your mind is playing with you and you get nervous. The first topic was a combination of the alphabet and classroom commands, our first challenge was to teach this two topics in one class, but we did it;  Even though, it was the first time being a teacher it was not that bad.

At the beginning, my group and I were nervous, but 
we control ourselves then we started to paste the

decoration and we prepared all the material we brought for our class. Kids started to arrive into the classroom and I was excited, we had sixteen students and my classmate Mauricio was the one in charge of the first part of our class, something that I liked about how he taught his part is that all the students were paying attention to him and also he was clarifying everything during the class, in the case one student did not understand  a command he dramatized it or he gave examples, but in the other way around something that I would like to change is that he took too much time with the presentation of the topic and that affects all the lesson, but as I said it was the first time and is really normal to have some problems.

The part of the practice was my responsibility, I started to talk with the class, telling them that we will practice what they just studied some seconds ago, but something I really forgot it was to introduce myself and that was a big mistake of mine, also

I think I need to improve how to organize them when working in groups, but the rest of my work I think it was better than I expected; although, I had some mistakes I was trying to give my best, and my personality help me with that, something that I would repeat in my future classes is to bring positive vibes to the children, on the other hand I need to work more in time management and organization when working in little spaces.

The last part of the lesson was in charge of my other classmate Moises, I really love the change he had at the moment of being in front,he was really kind and helpful with the children and it was something I did not about him, something I admired about him is that he did a lot in the production with the time he had, he just had a couple of minutes,but those minutes were well handled.

To sum up, this class was not perfect, but we learned a lot, now that we know how is working with kids we can improve and the next time we are going to do It better, what i am going to do next time is work hard with the time, also not to stop talking even if I am doing another things, do not lose eye contact and to pay careful attention to every group.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

How to arrange the classroom.

Week two: August 7 and 9

Topic: How to arrange the classroom.

The organization inside a classroom is very important specially when we work with kids. Organize materials and equipment in a classroom help children to know where things are and where they must put them at the end of each class.

Organization of the desk  

Horizontal lines are the most common way in almost all the schools around the world. This organization is useful when students need to work individually, it is also useful at the time they have an exam; Although, students are kind of near, they do not have the chance to cheat and the teacher has enough space to move between the lines to control the students. 

Semicircle is another good way to organize the desks in the classroom. 
This form help the teacher to have more visual  contact with the students, also it has  more space to move around them and control what they are doing during the class.

Pair Work

 Team work

Week nine: Listening

Topic: Food This blog is going to be a little bit different, this time it was my group that presented the topic. we taught the topic fo...